One Hour Prayer Guide

I wanted to say a word about the idea of praying for an hour. Thing one is to relax: it’s an hour with Someone who loves you deeply, and who you love as well. Really, that’s enough said: be yourself. Have a chat. Simone Weil once said that prayer is attention directed to God. 

Here’s a little more: for the hour(s) I take, I will do something like this:

Say hello to Jesus and get settled together: 

-For me this involves saying “Thank you” for God’s love, presence, listening, caring, etc. 

-Then I remind myself who I am, thanking God that I am his child, loved by him, won by the blood of Jesus, trusting in his Great Story and his future. 

- Take a few minutes to remember all the good things that God has done in your life, and let your heart be grateful.

-Next I move into being honest: “I’m looking forward to being with you, but a little worried I may lose the plot and start pondering other things.”

At this point I might clear my attention a little:
Share with the Lord whatever is worrying me, just saying, “Lord, you know already that as I come to this hour I am troubled by x, y, z… So I give myself, those I love, and all of these issues/people into your hands. You encouraged us not to worry about anything, but in all things to give thanks and trust you, so here I am.”

Then I’m ready to focus on the particular reason I am spending that particular hour doing this:
“Lord, I am here standing in for my dear church community of Trinity. Wow! What an honor I have to stand in for these amazing people who love you. We need you. We are completely dependent on you.”

-Pray about our need for a space, getting as particular as the circumstances will allow (we don’t know yet where we will be next weekend regarding the space we are hoping for). Ask God to Deuteronomy 1.31 us: the Lord God said to Israel, “Did I not carry you through the wilderness as a father carries his child?”

-Pray for our many families and parishioners at Trinity. Our littles, our teenagers, our young adults, our parents, grand parents, for anyone in the church who you know needs particular prayer for anything.

- Pray for those who the Lord will bring into our midst in the weeks, months, and years ahead.
Those who might be moving to the area, those who are looking for a church community, those who need the care and support of the church.

-Pray for our clergy, our staff, our kids ministry team, teaching team, prayer team, worship team, creation care team, and our parish council. For wisdom, grace, inspiration, insight, compassion, provision, guidance, strength, rest; that they would flourish in their relationships within their families, with one another, with their neighbors.

-Pray for our towns, our neighbors, and especially those who might be sick and for those in need.

-Pray for us to be able to live into our charism; for our partnership with ARocha USA, and with Anchor Point (and all the bumps in that path to get straightened out).

-Close this section with something like: “Lord, we give ourselves to you: be glorified among us — this is our greatest desire. Put us wherever we will best live into the charism you have given us. Thank you, Lord.”

Listen: invite God to speak to you, and wait on God’s communication to you. 

Then — if there is time left — be free.
Sing with Jesus. Listen to whatever is worship music for you, or classical music.
Read your favorite Psalms in a spirit of prayer. Journal: write what the Lord has shown you.

In the end, I think there’s a good chance you’ll want to do this again. 
I’m excited about this! I get tingles thinking of Jesus hearing our prayers and moving in answer.